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How to lose 194 Pounds Fast ? - Success Story

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The professional chef hit 432 lbs. thanks to a combination of unhealthy lifestyle factor. “My addiction is food, booze and narcotics,” Lachowicz, 46 said  “Everything worked in tandem. Drugs and alcohol reduced my inhibitions, so I didn’t have a lot of remorse about eating ridiculous amounts of food.” Entering Keto Diet and getting sober was an essential part of his weight loss journey. Lachowicz now works out six days a week and sticks to 1,800 to 1,900 calories per day. He lose total 194 pounds in 14 months  Read more :  Fans Fame Of Keto Diet Include Kim Kardashian & Lebron Jame

How to Lose 72 Pounds in 6 Months - Success Story

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 Eleanor is proof that physical transformations don't always correlate with the number on the scale. "Women should go based on how they feel and look," the Santa Maria, California-based photographer "Freedom from the scale is so liberating!” Eleanor — who weighed 252 lbs. at her highest and now weighs 180 pounds. She lost 72 pounds in 6 months — weight lifts four days a week and only does cardio twice a week. She also follows Keto Diet which means she does not eat from 7 p.m. to 11 a.m. six days a week, although she does allow herself coffee with cream in the morning. “I finally decided I was going to focus on what my body could do and what it’s capable of instead of what it weighed,” she said       Read more : Keto Diet Explained on Fox News